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What Support is there for me or my family living with Dementia in Rutland?

There is lots of support locally, from Dementia charities and organisations as well as health professionals and our Council. Here is more information on them.


Rutland Dementia Support Service

Who’s it for?

People living with dementia in Rutland, their carers, and health and social care professionals.


Run by?

The Dementia Support Service for Rutland is run by Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland and acts as a single point of contact for people with dementia living in Rutland, their carers and health and social care professionals.



The service offers a six-week intensive support which will identify your needs and agree with you what you want to achieve. It also provides information about services, how to access them and it’ll signpost you to sources of ongoing support to help you when the six-week period of intensive support ends.


Age UK also runs a runs a peer support group and activity group through which you can find advice and support about living well with dementia, and share experiences with other local people facing the same experiences.



0116 2237363

Who’s it for?

People living with dementia in Rutland, their carers, and their families.


Run by?

Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through the Admiral Nurse Service. Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who give practical and emotional support to family, carers, as well as the person with dementia.



Admiral Nurses are incredible and can support you and your family throughout your experience of dementia, tailoring the support to your individual needs and challenges. The service works with family carers as their prime focus, and provides practical advice, emotional support, information and skills. It also promotes best practice in person centered dementia care, provides supportive education to professionals working with people with dementia and one to one emotional support for carers. There are also Carer training workshops (4 week programme).



You can self-refer to the service or you can be referred your GP or other supporting agencies.

01572 720 959

Dementia UK Helpline: 0800 888 6678 

Nurse Service

Memory Cafe


Who’s it for?

People living with dementia in Rutland, their carers and family members.


Run by?

Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland.


When and Where?

First Monday of the month (excluding bank holidays). 

Taylor House, Johnson Road, Uppingham



A monthly memory café, providing access to advice and support about living well with dementia as well as giving opportunities to share experiences and support with peers.



Taylor House, Johnson Road, Uppingham

Who’s it for?

People living with dementia in Rutland, their carers, and their families.


Run by?

Rutland County Council



People living with Dementia can request an assessment from Rutland County Council’s Adult Social Care Team. This identifies any support needs you have and will help you to identify the services and options that are right for you. These include carers’ assessment and help to return home.


If you are a carer, there is a wide range of support available to help you keep things in balance and to maintain important aspects of your own life alongside your caring role. A carer’s assessment can be requested from Rutland County Council’s Adult Social Care Team. This identifies any support needs you have in relation to your caring role and will help you to identify the services and options that are right for you. 



Rutland County Council Adult Social Care 01572 758 341



Help to 
Return Home


Who’s it for?

Rutland residents admitted to hospital will be offered support to return home.


Run by?

Rutland County Council



The Rutland Integrated Hospital Team will contact you in hospital to understand your needs. The Team will look at practical aspects with you including you safety at home, your ability to move around and how you will manage your personal care and domestic arrangements.


Their aim is to get you back into your usual routines as soon as possible. If you cannot return directly home, for example because you are not mobile, you may continue your recovery in a community hospital or care home bed in or near Rutland. You might also be offered a short period of physical therapy to give you the skills and confidence to thrive at home. ‘Rehabilitation’ is exercise rebuilding your strength and movement, while ‘reablement’ helps you to learn new ways to accomplish daily living tasks that have become more challenging.


If you would like a broader chat about support to help you to manage at home longer term, you can contact Rutland’s Adult Social Care team who may signpost, offer advice or recommend a social care assessment.



Rutland County Council Adult Social Care 01572 758 341


Who’s it for?

People living with Dementia interested in Dementia Friendly friendly walking and swimming. 


Run by?

Active Rutland



Active Rutland helps coordinate dementia friendly walking and swimming opportunities locally. It has been proven that these activities can benefit people living with dementia and their carers, family and friends as well as providing health and wellbeing benefits.


The activities are full of stops and starts, can be social or quiet and are provided in a safe and supportive way.


Our aim is to increase sport, health and physical activity opportunities for all, whilst meeting the health and wellbeing needs of the community. We strive to get more people to take part in our programmes and reach more people within our community.



Active Rutland Hub, Oakham Enterprise Park, Ashwell Road, Oakham, Rutland LE15 7TU

01572 720 936


Who’s it for?

People with dementia and their carers in Rutland and Melton.


Run by?

Dove Cottage Day Hospice.



A Dove Cottage Day Hospice healthcare assistant will sit with people living with dementia for a couple of hours for social support, whilst the carer goes out and has time to themselves.


No personal care is offered or the administration of medications as this is not intended as a care service.



Dove Cottage
Day Respite

Dove Cottage Dementia
Support Group


Who’s it for?

Carers for, and loved ones of, people living with dementia in Rutland.


Run by?

Dove Cottage.



Friendly and informative sessions for carers to get information about dementia and gain peer support to help with their caring role.


Currently held over Zoom.



01949 860303

Who’s it for?

Anyone who cares for someone with a long-term illness or condition such as dementia.


Run by?

Age UK.


When and Where?

The last Wednesday of each month.

The Common Room at St John and St Anne, South Street, Oakham



Open to anyone caring for someone with a long-term debilitating illness. A packed programme of speakers and activities is offered to cater to all tastes, including an afternoon tea trip out.



Yvonne Rawlings 0773 8820910

Rutland Carers Support Group


Who’s it for?

People living with dementia in Rutland, and older people who are lonely and isolated. 


Run by?

Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland.



Age UK provides a befriending service to offer companionship and support to older people who are lonely or isolated. The service provides a link to the outside world and can act as a gateway to other services and support.


The service offers home visits in Rutland where an older person is matched with a befriender who can provide friendly conversation and companionship on a regular basis. A telephone befriending service is also available, for friendly chat and a listening ear.



Refer yourself or someone else: 01572 824 048


Who’s it for?

Anyone who cares for someone with a long-term illness or condition such as dementia.


Run by?

Age UK.


When and Where?

The last Wednesday of each month.

The Common Room at St John and St Anne, South Street, Oakham



Open to anyone caring for someone with a long-term debilitating illness. A packed programme of speakers and activities is offered to cater to all tastes, including an afternoon tea trip out.



Yvonne Rawlings 0773 8820910

Rutland Carers Support Group


Who’s it for?

People living with dementia in Rutland, and older people who are lonely and isolated. 


Run by?

Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland.



Age UK provides a befriending service to offer companionship and support to older people who are lonely or isolated. The service provides a link to the outside world and can act as a gateway to other services and support.


The service offers home visits in Rutland where an older person is matched with a befriender who can provide friendly conversation and companionship on a regular basis. A telephone befriending service is also available, for friendly chat and a listening ear.



Refer yourself or someone else: 01572 824 048


Who’s it for?

Anyone who cares for someone with a long-term illness or condition such as dementia.


Run by?

Age UK.


When and Where?

The last Wednesday of each month.

The Common Room at St John and St Anne, South Street, Oakham



Open to anyone caring for someone with a long-term debilitating illness. A packed programme of speakers and activities is offered to cater to all tastes, including an afternoon tea trip out.



Yvonne Rawlings 0773 8820910

Rutland Carers Support Group


Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Support Line - 0333 1503456

For people living with dementia, their carers and families, and professionals in health and social care. This dementia support service gives personalised help and advice, answering your questions, and connecting you to the support you need. Opening Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am–8pm; Saturday, 10am–4pm; Sunday, 10am–4pm


Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Support Forum 

For people living with dementia and their carers, family and friends. The Dementia Support Forum is an online support community for people with dementia, carers, family and friends to discuss all aspects of dementia. It is open 24-7, and is a safe place to ask questions, share your experiences and receive advice and support.


Dementia UK Dementia Helpline - 0800 888 6678
The specialist dementia nurses on Dementia UK’s free, confidential Helpline are here for you when you need help. Whatever you’re worried about, they have the time to listen and the knowledge to start plans to solve problems. They can help you understand more about dementia and feel more in control, giving you the tools and the confidence to manage your future with dementia together. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm, Open bank holidays (9am-5pm), except 25th December.


Thank you for supporting our journey to become the first Dementia Friendly County
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